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How to add hotel discount ?
Discount can be applied by Two Types
1. Fix
2. Percentage
Discount Works (Method to calculate discount)
Discount In Fix: Discounts in the "Fix" Method are simple; whatever amount you enter in the admin's discount column will be reflected in the result page after deducting from the total fare.
Let's understand the "Fix" discount with the following example:
If the fare of selected Hotel in Mumbai is Rs.3000 and the admin selects the "fix" in type of Discount and enters the amount of 100 in value column, the discounted fare on the hotel result page will be Rs 2900 (3000-100), because a Fix discount of 100 rupees is applied.
Discount In Percetage: If admin will select the discount in "Percentage" then it will apply on the margin which is coming from the supplier.
Margin -- The difference of Customer Fare (Published Fare) and Admin Fare (Offered Fare) is the margin of admin.
Example: Customer Fare is Rs. 3000 and Admin Fare is Rs.2500 then the margin amount is Rs. 500 (3000-2500 = 500). Now, the percentage of discount will be calculated on Rs 500 which is the margin of Admin.
Let's understand the "Percetage" discount with the following example:
If the fare of the selected hotel in Mumbai is Rs.3000 and we selects "Percetage" as the type of discount and enters 100 in the "Value" column, the discounted fare shown on the hotel result page will be Rs 2500 (3000-500), because a 100% discount of 500 rupees will be applied.
To better understand, if we enter 50 in the "Value" column, the discounted fare shown on the hotel result page would be Rs 2750 (3000-250), because a 50% discount of 500 rupees, which is Rs 250, will be applied. Because the admin's margin is Rs 500 on which a 50% discount applied.
Discount fare will be shown in B2B
In B2B, add a 100% discount from admin and search for hotels. The result page displays the results. Now, SNF (Show Net Fare); click SNF to view two fares Customer Fare (Published Fare) and Admin Fare (Offered Fare) And as soon as you click on SNF, the HNF option will appear, which stands for Hide Net Fare. Then only Customer Fare (Published Fare) will be displayed on the result page.
Steps To Apply Discount
To add B2B and B2C hotel discounts, follow these steps:
Step 1: Login to admin portal
Step 2 : Go to B2B hotel management or B2C hotel management,a dropdown list will appear.
Step 3 : Select option + Add discount
Step 4: Select fix or percentage according to your preferences
Step 5 : Click on submit button & your discount will be added on web site