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How to apply discount and check the discounted fare in B2C website for flight?
Discount can be applied in Percentage
Let's understand the "Percetage" discount with the following example:
If the flight Published fare is Rs. 5500 and Netfare is Rs. 5000 from Delhi to Mumbai and we enters 100 in the "Value" column, the discounted fare show on the flight result page will be Rs 5000 (5500-500), because a 100% discount of 500 rupees will be applied, which is difference of Published fare and Netfare.
You must check the fare without adding discount and mark up, please remove before checking it if added any. Note the flight result fare and then add discount from the admin panel and search again for the same sector and departure date:
Steps To Apply Discount
To add B2C flight discounts, follow these steps:
Step 1: Login to admin portal
Step 2 : Go to B2C flight management a dropdown list will appear.
Step 3 : Select option Discount list
Step 4 : Click on + Add Dicount
Step 5: Enter Value of discount
Step 6 : Click on submit button & your discount will be added on web site