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What is the mobile Application approval process in the google play store?

Google Play Developer Account App Process:

During the signup process, you will need to review and accept the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement. A one-time registration fee of $25 is required, which can be paid using MasterCard or other accepted credit or debit cards.

Once you've completed the registration, please share your login credentials with us so we can upload your mobile application. Additionally, provide 20 email addresses that will be used for testing purposes. Only these email addresses will have access to download the app from the Google Play Store for testing.

Closed Testing: This feature allows you to distribute your app to a controlled group of testers, which helps identify issues and ensure compliance with Google Play policies before the app's public release. You must conduct a closed test and have at least 20 testers who have been opted-in for the last 14 consecutive days before applying for production access. You can start a closed test once your app setup is complete.

Note: Ensure that the provided email addresses are associated with Google accounts that are logged into the mobile device to download and access the app.