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E-Commerce Module Mobile App

"We build websites that will build your business"

In today's digital era we can not say no to E-Commerce industry digitalization. Nowadays every buyer wants to search and order his goods and items as per his/her preference. After checking all available options buyers always choose and order products which is more profitable and also have faster delivery option. Arranging all the process of delivering goods to consumer by E-Commerce agencies is a very big challenge. To overcome all these difficulties E-Commerce Mobile Application is the best solution. In this Information Technology era, you can access the complete wide range of items through a pocket-sized device. E-Commerce app development is a one-stop solution for E-Commerce Companies and Buyers to order their items and goods.

The tools that we use for android application development projects are of very high standard. Our experienced team of 5 years is more than capable of designing any app you imagine into a fully functional android application. Android applications that we develop are made using JAVA programming language along with the Android SDK. We have worked with 350+ customers worldwide including the start-ups, SMEs, Fortune 400 and Global 800+ companies.

The fastest way to grow your business with the leader in Travel Technology Check out our options and features included.

Advantages Of Android Application Development:-

  • Increased visibility
  • Low Investment and High ROI
  • Open Source
  • Easy Adoption
  • Easy to integrate
  • Increased customers and sales
  • Increase Revenue
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • High return on low-investment
  • Easy to customize
  • Global recognition
  • Inter-application integration
  • Brand Promotion
  • Easy And Real-Time Booking or Order
  • Enhance Customer Relationship
  • Global Market Access
  • Attract Agents or Customers
  • Save your time

Our Android App development process

  • Understanding

    At first we take our time to sit with our client and draw a non-technical lay out of the android application and its core features. It helps us to clear any doubt about the android application and also avoids any difficulties in the Android App Development. Only after we have understood the client, his company’s goals, vision, and target audience, we move to the second stage of development.

  • Planning

    After the recommendations, are charted out, we create a plan of action. During this phase of the Android application development we work on the software and hardware requirements, the scope and deadlines of the project, any milestones that can be fixed. We inform you about every step and keep you in the loop. We try our best to keep the application development development phase as flexible as possible to avoid any unforeseen difficulties.

  • Building

    This is the execution phase. On the requirements of the project we use a variety of android application development methodologies, like Agile or Waterfall during the mobile application development during this phase you will receive updates and suggestions from our project manager, so you are kept up to date during the making of your android application. This is the phase where the application is acid tested repeatedly to churn out any bugs in programming.

  • Deploying

    At this stage of the android application development phase, the application is still not ready for the end user. The Android application needs to be hosted on markets and app stores, and then only it can be downloaded and used by users. In this phase we take care of the thousand and one bits and pieces of your android application that must be triple tested before the android application goes prime time.

  • Maintaining

    The recently baked out android application is not meant to last forever. Within a few monthsthe Android version will upgrade, the markets will evolve and the customers will want new features. These changes will call your application to be upgraded. We will maintain an engagement with you and ensure that the investment you have made in software development gives the best value for money.

The Tools We Use For Android Application Development projects are of high quality and high standard:-

  • Fluid UI App Prototyping
  • Genymotion
  • Acorn
  • Appiconsizes
  • SDK
  • Ubertesters
  • Android Emulator
  • Android Virtual Device Manager
  • Hierarchy Viewer
  • SDK Manager
  • sQLITE
  • Systrace
  • JOBB
  • Titanium (Cross Platform for Android)
  • Phone Gap (Cross Platform)
  • encha (Cross Platform)
  • JAVA
  • Proguard

Why Choose US ?

  • A Complete Travel Technology Company
  • 11+ Successful years
  • 1800+ Successfully Completed Projects
  • Professional and Experienced Team
  • Good Quality Control with Competitive Price
  • Dedicated Support Team
  • Timely Delivery
  • Global Clients
  • Best Support
  • Following Ethical Process
  • 98% Client Satisfaction
  • Technically Strong System
  • Get Desired Result

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