
This method is used to tentatively book (block) a ticket. This tentative ticket will be blocked for a specified time and can be confirmed within specified time limit. Once user gives all the requested details along with the seat numbers and boarding point, client calls the block method to book the seats tentatively. If the specified seats are still available from supplier side, then system blocks them tentatively. If there is no confirmation call (next step) from the client before that time, the system will unblock the seats.

Key Points: Few points to remember before calling the block method
In case of multiple passenger ticket all passenger details like Name, Email, Gender, Phone no, Age, Address are mandatory.
Address is mandatory only for lead guest.
ID type is mandatory or not will be define by the ‘IsTypeRequired’ node of search response.
If value of this node is true, then ID-type is mandatory and need to pass in book request.
This method should be called after taking guest details from the client, so that in case of any price change a proper intimation can be provided.
In case of Price change, you will get new price in the BlockBus response with IsPriceChanged node set as ‘true’.

Service URL (REST) to be used:
Seat Block Request
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory
1 ClientId String Client ID provided to the agency at registration Mandatory
2 UserName String User name provided to the agency at registration Mandatory
3 Password String Password provided to the agency at registration Mandatory
4 TraceId String Unique identifier for identifying every unique search Required for audit purpose. Mandatory
5 ResultIndex Integer Define the result number. Mandatory
6 BoardingPointId Integer Id of the boarding point selected (e.g. 43289). Mandatory
7 DroppingPointId Integer Id of the boarding point selected (e.g. 43289). Mandatory
8 RefID Integer Mandatory
9 Passenger[] Array Array of passenger details like name, email, Gender etc. Mandatory
9.1 LeadPassenger Enumeration Either the lead passenger can be true or false. Mandatory
9.2 PassengerId Integer Passenger ID Mandatory
9.3 Title Enumeration Title of passenger. Mandatory
9.4 FirstName String First name of passenger Mandatory
9.5 LastName String Last name of passenger. Mandatory
9.6 Email String Email address of passenger Mandatory
9.7 Mobile Integer Phone no of passanger Mandatory
9.8 Gender Enumeration Gender of passenger.
(Possible values Male = 1, Female = 2)
9.9 IdType Enumeration Id proof type Possible values Pan no, Voterid card, Passport. Mandatory
9.10 IdNumber String Id proof number. Mandatory
9.11 Address String Address of the passenger (Address is mandatory only for the lead guest). Mandatory
9.12 Age String Age of the passenger. Mandatory
9.13 SeatIndex Array Array of seat details seat name, seat no. Mandatory
Seat Block Response
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory
1 Error[] Array Error Mandatory
1.1 ErrorCode Integer Code corresponding to the Error Mandatory
1.2 ErrorMessage String Contains error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error
Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0).
2 Result[] Array Array of Block Seat Response Mandatory
2.1 TraceId String Unique identifier for identifying every unique search Required
for audit purpose.
2.2 ResponseStatus Enumeration Define the status of response whether its successful, failed or Not set (NotSet = 0, Successful = 1, Failed = 2). Mandatory
2.3 ArrivalTime Date Time Preferred date time Format: yyyyMMddTH H:mm:ss
( Approx. arrival time at the destination.)
2.4 BusType Integer Define bus type (e.g. Leyland A/C Seater/Sleeper Executive Luxury (2+2), etc. Mandatory
2.5 DepartureTime Date Time Preferred date time Format: yyyyMMddTH H:mm:ss
( Define the bus departure date time.)
2.6 ServiceName String Service name Mandatory
2.7 TravelName String Transporter Name Mandatory
2.8 BoardingPointdetails[] Array Contains all the details of boarding point like City Name, Time, etc. Mandatory
2.8.1 CityPointIndex Integer Index of the boarding point (e.g. 43289). Mandatory
2.8.2 CityPointLocation String Name of the boarding point location Mandatory
2.8.3 CityPointName String Name of the bording point (e.g., Baramunda Bus Terminus). Mandatory
2.8.4 CityPointTime String Time of boarding at this location. (e,g, 1215). Mandatory
2.9 CancelPolicy[] Array Array having the cancellation policy details. Mandatory
2.9.1 CancellationCharge Decimal Cancellation charges. Mandatory
2.9.2 CancellationChargeType Enumeration Tells whether Cancellation Charge in Amount or Percentage Possible value
NotSet = 0, Amount = 1, Percentage = 2
2.9.3 PolicyString String Contains the policy. Mandatory
2.9.4 FromDate Date Time Preferred date time Format: yyyyMMddTHH: mm:ss Mandatory
2.9.5 ToDate Date Time Preferred date time Format: yyyyMMddTHH: mm:ss Mandatory
2.10 Passenger[] Array Passengers details Mandatory
2.10.1 LeadPassenger Enumeration Either the lead passenger can be true or false. Mandatory
2.10.2 Title Enumeration Title of passenger. Mandatory
2.10.3 Address String Address of the passenger (Address is mandatory only for the lead guest). Mandatory
2.10.4 Age Integer Age of the passenger. Mandatory
2.10.5 FirstName String First name of passenger. Mandatory
2.10.6 Gender Enumeration Gender of passenger.
(Possible values Male = 1, Female = 2)
2.10.7 IdNumber String Id proof number. Mandatory
2.10.8 IdType Enumeration Id proof type Possible values Pan no, Voterid card, Passport. Mandatory
2.10.9 Phoneno Integer Phone no of passenger. Mandatory
2.10.10 seat[] Array Seat details. Mandatory ColumnNo Integer Column Number of the seat. Mandatory Height Integer Seat height. Mandatory IsLadiesSeat Boolean Define Seat reserved for ladies’ possible values are True or False. Mandatory IsMalesSeat Boolean Define Seat reserved for male. Possible values are True or False. Mandatory IsUpper Boolean Mandatory RowNo Integer Define the seat row number in which row seat lies. Mandatory SeatFare Decimal Pricr of seat Mandatory SeatIndex Integer SeatIndex (e.g.9) Mandatory SeatName String Valid seat name (e.g. 9). Mandatory SeatStatus Boolean Define Seat is Available or not possible values are True or False. Mandatory SeatType Enumeration Define the type of seat possible value can be NotSet = 0, seat = 1, sleeper = 2, seatCumSleeper
= 3, UpperBerth = 4,LowerBerth = 5
Mandatory Width Integer Possible Values are 1 or 2. Mandatory Price[] Array Mandatory CurrencyCode String Currency in which minimum bus price is returned. Mandatory BasePrice Decimal Base price of bus. Mandatory Tax Decimal Tax applicable on bus price. Mandatory OtherCharges Decimal Other charges applicable on bus price. Mandatory Discount Decimal Discount applicable on bus price. Mandatory PublishedPrice Decimal This price would be different only if Bus Price is on PUBLISHED. In case of NET,
Published Price would be same as Offered Price).
Mandatory PublishedPriceRoundedOff Decimal This price is for display purpose only Mandatory OfferedPrice Decimal Offered Price of the Bus. Mandatory OfferedPriceRoundedOff Decimal Offered Price (rounded off) of the Bus Mandatory AgentCommission Decimal SRDV will part this amount if bus price is on Published Mandatory AgentMarkUp Decimal Agent will earn this amount if Bus markup is set from backend Mandatory TDS Decimal TDS applicable on Commission Earned. This would be deducted only when commission is parted to the agent. Mandatory GST[] Array Define the CGST and IGST rate and amount applicable on the bus price Mandatory CGSTAmount Decimal CGST amount Mandatory CGSTRate Decimal Rate of CGST Mandatory CessAmount Decimal Cess amount Mandatory CessRate Decimal Rate of Cess Mandatory IGSTAmount Decimal IGST amount Mandatory IGSTRate Decimal Rate of IGST Mandatory SGSTAmount Decimal SGST amount Mandatory SGSTRate Decimal Rate of SGST Mandatory TaxableAmount Decimal Total taxable amount Mandatory